HLN Events
Project Zero Mini Course: Cultures of Thinking in Action
COST: $179 per individual on teams of 3-5 people. $209 for individuals without a team who will be placed on virtual teams.
DATE(S): April 26, 2021 to May 23, 2021
During times of change, it is important to lean into our values. Doing so helps us to remain grounded and true to our vision of what a quality education looks and feels like…even as we are buffeted by the unknown forces of change and thrust into new modes of instructional delivery.
Building a classroom and school culture, whether online or at a distance, is more than merely instituting a set of practices. As useful as practices like thinking routines, documentation, and effective questioning can be, culture runs deeper. Culture is built on our values and beliefs and embedded in the messages we send. Thus, deep and lasting transformation must begin by embracing a set of beliefs about teaching, learning, and schooling. In this mini-course, we will explore the 10 principles that we use in the Cultures of Thinking project to drive our action. These principles motivate and guide our actions and provide the touchstones we need as we create places where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted. As we do so, we will look at the research behind these principles and the actions and data that can be used to move us forward in whatever teaching and learning environment we find ourselves in.